Nevadia fritzi



Name: Nevadia fritzi
Lieberman, 2001

Superfamily "Nevadioidea" Hupé, 1953

Suborder Olenellina Walcott, 1890

Order Redlichiida Richter, 1932

Locality: Inyo-White Mountains, Inyo Co., Eastern California and Montezuma Peak, Esmeralda Co., Nevada

Stratigraphy: Lower Cambrian , Nevadella Zone, Poleta and Campito Formations

Remarks: Photo courtesy of Bruce Lieberman




According to Lieberman (2001), the genus Nevadia Walcott, 1910 has 8 known species:

Nevadia weeksi Walcott, 1910 (type species)

Nevadia bacculenta (Fritz, 1972) [formerly Nevadella bacculenta Fritz, 1972]

Nevadia faceta (Fritz, 1972) [formerly Nevadella faceta Fritz, 1972]

Nevadia ovalis McMenamin, 1987

Nevadia fritzi Lieberman, 2001

Nevadia gracile (Walcott, 1910) [formerly Wanneria? gracile Walcott, 1910]

Nevadia sp. 1 (of Fritz, 1972) [formerly Nevadella sp. 1 Fritz, 1972]

Nevadia sp. 2 (of Fritz, 1972) [formerly Nevadella sp. 2 Fritz, 1972]


    Nevadia differs from Nevadella in:

-the relative length (sag.) of LA (L4) is consistently greater in Nevadella than it is in Nevadia (glabella is shorter in Nevadia in general)

-S2 is convex anteriorly in Nevadella and straight in Nevadia

-the intergenal ridge medial of the eye is well developed in Nevadia, but is not visible in Nevadella

-the anterior margin of the medial part of the third thoracic pleural segment is directed anteriorly in Nevadella (in Nevadia it is transverse)

-the third sgment is macropleural in Nevadella, not in Nevadia

-characters of the axial rings and pleural furrows


    This species differs from N. weeksi in that it has slightly shorter ocular lobes and in the condition of its posterior cephalic border (flexes, rather than being transverse)


Reference: Lieberman, B. S. (2001)  Phylogenetic analysis of the Olenellina Walcott, 1890 (Trilobita, Cambrian). Journal of Paleontology, Vol. 75, No. 1, pp. 96-115.


Western Trilobites Association:
Trilobite Genera / Species I Trilobite Formations I Trilobite Locations