Trilobites of the Gordon Shale


Northwestern Montana (Powell Co.) - Resser 1935

The Gordon Shale is overlain conformably in northwestern Montana by the Damnation Limestone.



Albertella helena Walcott, 1908
Alokistocare charax
(Walcott) (formerly Ptychoparia? charax Walcott)

Amecephalus gordonensis (Resser, 1935) (formerly Strotocephalus gordonensis)
Anoria baton
Walcott, 1916b
Clavaspidella bela
Glossopleura belesis
(Walcott, 1916)
Kochina americana
(Walcott, 1912) (formerly Olenopsis americanus Walcott, 1912)
Ptarmingia gordonensis

Ptychoparella candace (Walcott) (formerly Elrathina candace and Ptychoparia candace)
Ptychoparella pylas
(formerly Elrathina pylas and Ptychoparia pylas)
Vanuxemella contracta
Walcott, 1916a
Zacanthoides cnopus
Walcott, 1917




Deiss,Charles (1939) Cambrian Stratigraphy and Trilobites of Northwestern Montana. The Geological Society of America, Special Papers, Number 18


Resser, C.E. (1935) Nomenclature of some Cambrian Trilobites, Smithsonian, Misc. Coll.., Vol. 93, No. 5, P. 1-46


*researched and compiled by George Ast and James Cook

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